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Will Balaji's bet turn true?

Analyst Ali Martinez says that for Balaji's bet to turn true an entire Chinese GDP should flow into Bitcoin in a single day, seeming impossible. On Saturday, March 18, veteran investor Balaji Srinivasan raised a major alarm stating that the United States is quickly moving into hyperinflation taking a massive $1 million bet on this.

What is Balaji's massive bet on Bitcoin (BTC)?

Balaji’s massive bet on Bitcoin (BTC) has led to a storm in the crypto community discussions. The veteran investor’s comments come as the Fed has moved to money printing again amid a banking crisis unfolding in the US. Balaji writes:

Who is Balaji Srinivasan?

(Photo by Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch) On Friday, Balaji Srinivasan, a man who wields considerable influence in the tech and crypto worlds, made a jaw-dropping bet: $2 million that bitcoin would skyrocket from the mid-$20,000 range to $1 million per coin within 90 days.

Is Balaji worth $1 million in 90 days?

Popular market analyst Alex Kruger wrote: Incredibly many taking the Balaji $BTC to $1 million in 90 days view seriously, because he is Balaji. This is an example of the cognitive bias “Appeal to Authority”. Chances of that happening are 0.0000%. The bet is insane unless there’s an ulterior motive.

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